To Some Of My Woodworking

Over the last year or so, since Esther put up our Webpage, We have had so many people let us know how much that they enjoy seeing my wood workings pictures. I thought I would add to this page of some of the projects that I have done over the last few years. I hope you enjoy looking at them. I plan to retire soon and hope to spend more time with my wood work.

I have always loved taking wood and molding into something special. My first project was a mircowave cart. I was satisfied with my accomplishement, so I set out to see what other master pieces I could create.

My first grandchild was on the way and thought it would be nice to make a family airloom to carry on through the generations. I thought that a craddle would be something special for all the grandchildren we would be blessed with. This was a great feeling to see my first newborn grandson, Zachary sleeping in the craddle. From this I have gained the confrdence to build things.

Below are some of the projects that I have completed. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.

Craddle 1991


Hutch 1992


Toy Box 1993


Putting on the finishing touches & Bryce's first ride

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Midi Might

Playing Knock Three Times (Tony Orlando)


Hit on the house to go back home

Some Graphics by The Animation Zone

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